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日期:2019/11/22 11:14:27 來(lái)源:本站原創(chuàng ) 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量:

Learn new words and phrases

  1. astronomer: n 天文學(xué)家;astronomy: n 天文學(xué)

  2.explode: v 爆炸,由此聯(lián)想:explosive: a 爆炸性的/n 炸藥;explosion: n 爆炸

  1). When the bomb__exploded____, many people were seriously wounded.

  2). The unexpected _explosion_______ frightened the little girl.

  3). It might be possible to convert _ explosive ____ energy into heat.

  Answers: exploded, explosion, explosive

  3. density: n 密度;聯(lián)想產(chǎn)生:dense: a 密度大的,反義詞:sparse;

  densely: ad高密度地;densely-populated人口稠密的;sparsely-populated人口稀疏的

  1). The _dense___ fog kept the travelers from finding the correct direction.

  2). The business area of the city is _densely____ populated.

  3). This liquid has a much greater _density___ than water.

  Answers: dense, densely, density

  4. shrink: v 收縮、退縮、縮水

  1). As a result of careless washing, the jacket has shrunk to a child's size.

  2).The girl shrinks at the sight of blood.

  5. measurement: n 衡量、測量;

  由此聯(lián)想:measure: n措施/v 衡量、測量;measurable: a 可衡量的,可測量的

  1). We must take _measure____ to protect our environment.

  2). We have come within __measurable____ distance of success.

  3). Clocks give us a __measurement____ of time.

  4). There the rainfall is __measured____ not in inches but in feet.

  Answers: measures, measurable, measurement, measured

  6.implication: n 含義、暗示;imply: v 暗示

  7. basis: n 基礎、根據,

  由此可以聯(lián)想得到:base: n 底部;v 以…為底,為根據;basic: a 基礎的,根本的;

  basically: ad 根本上來(lái)說(shuō),

  1). If you want to improve your English, you must have a solid _basis_____.

  2). The furniture of out dorm is really _basic____: two beds, two chairs and tables.

  3). The charges are false for they are not _basically_____ on proven facts.

  4). Since no better plan can be worked out, we have to adopt the _based___ workable one.

  Answers: basis, basic, based, basically

  8. observatory: n 天文臺;由此可以聯(lián)想得到:

  observe: v 觀(guān)察;observation: n 觀(guān)察;observer: n 觀(guān)察家

  9. convincing: a 有說(shuō)服力的,使人信服的;convince: v 使人信服;convinced: a 感到有說(shuō)服力的,常見(jiàn)搭配:convince sb of sth; convince sb that

  1). He gave us a convincing speech.

  2). He convinced me of his sincerity.

  10. operate: v 運轉、操作、動(dòng)手術(shù);operation : n 手術(shù),操作;operator: 操作者

  11. research into對…進(jìn)行研究

  She is researching into possible cures for AIDS.

  12. swallow up: 吞沒(méi)、耗盡

  Many small businesses have been swallowed up by large companies.

  13. apply to sb/sth:適用于某人/某事,請對比:

  apply to sb for sth向某人申請某事;apply A to BA 應用于B

  1). You should apply what you have learned to your work.

  2). I applied to him for a new job.

  3). The study method doesn't apply to everyone


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