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日期:2015/8/25 11:52:26 來(lái)源:本站原創(chuàng ) 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量:
Exam A

  QUESTION 1 Refer to the exhibit. What will Router1 do when it receives the data frame shown? (Choose three.)

  A. B. C.

  Router1 will strip off the source MAC address and replace it with the MAC address 0000.0c36.6965. Router1 will strip off the source IP address and replace it with the IP address Router1 will strip off the destination MAC address and replace it with the MAC address 0000.0c07.4320. Router1 will strip off the destination IP address and replace it with the IP address of Router1 will forward the data packet out interface FastEthernet0/1. Router1 will forward the data packet out interface FastEthernet0/2.

  D. E. F.

  Correct Answer: ACF

  Explanation/Reference: 考點(diǎn):數據通信過(guò)程源目 IP/mac 地址的變化。 Age(min)下面- 為本地端口 A:源 MAC替換為 f0/2口的 mac,正確 B:替換源 IP,錯誤 C:替換目的 mac 為下一跳入口的 MAC,正確 D:替換目的 IP,錯誤 E:從 f0/1轉發(fā)數據,錯誤 F:正確 --

  QUESTION 2 Refer to the exhibit. Which three statements correctly describe Network Device A? (Choose three.)


  A. B.

  With a network wide mask of, each interface does not require an IP address. With a network wide mask of, each interface does require an IP address on a unique IP subnet. With a network wide mask of, must be a Layer 2 device for the PCs to communicate with each other. With a network wide mask of, must be a Layer 3 device for the PCs to communicate with each other. With a network wide mask of, each interface does not require an IP address.




  Correct Answer: BDE

  Explanation/Reference: 如圖,哪三個(gè)選項正確的描述了網(wǎng)絡(luò )設備 A? 考點(diǎn)分析:這題考的是子網(wǎng)掩碼的問(wèn)題。使用掩碼和時(shí),兩臺主機的 IP 地址屬于兩個(gè)網(wǎng)段,所以 A 要用路由器(三層設備)才能通信,所以 A 設備每個(gè)接口需要設置 IP地址。使 用掩碼是,兩臺主機屬于同一個(gè)網(wǎng)段,所以 A 要使用 switch或 hub 就能通信,且不需要 ip 地址

  QUESTION 3 Which layer in the OSI reference model is responsible for determining the availability of the receiving program and checking to see if enough resources exist for that communication?

  A. B. C. D. E.

  transport network presentation session application

  Correct Answer: E

  Explanation/Reference: OSI 中那一層負責決定一個(gè)進(jìn)程的可用性并查看是否有可用的資源分給該進(jìn)程? 考點(diǎn)分析:OSI七層參考模型中負責決定一個(gè)進(jìn)程的可用性并查看是否有可用的資源分給該進(jìn)程是第七層應 用層

  QUESTION 4 Which of the following describes the roles of devices in a WAN? (Choose three.)

  A. A CSU/DSU terminates a digital local loop B. A modem terminates a digital local loop


  C. D. E. F.

  A CSU/DSU terminates an analog local loop A modem terminates an analog local loop A router is commonly considered a DTE device A router is commonly considered a DCE device

  Correct Answer: ADE

  Explanation/Reference: SU/DSU是用于連接終端和數字專(zhuān)線(xiàn)的設備,屬于 DCE設備 modem用于數字信號和模擬信號的轉換,屬于 DCE設備 路由器一般是DTE設備 QUESTION 5 Refer to the exhibit, Host A pings interface S0/0 on router 3, what is the TTL value for that ping?

  A. B. C. D.

  253 252 255 254

  Correct Answer: A

  Explanation/Reference: 默認是 255,每經(jīng)過(guò)一個(gè)路由器減 1

  QUESTION 6 A network administrator is verifying the configuration of a newly installed host by establishing an FTP connection to a remote server. What is the highest layer of the protocol stack that the network administrator is using for this operation?


  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  application presentation session transport internet data link

  Correct Answer: A

  Explanation/Reference: HTTP、FTP、TELNET、SNMP、DNS 等服務(wù)都是在應用層

  QUESTION 7 Refer to the exhibit. After HostA pings HostB, which entry will be in the ARP cache of HostA to support this transmission?







  Correct Answer: D

  Explanation/Reference: 問(wèn):當主機A ping 主機B之后,下面那個(gè)ARP緩存條目會(huì )支持此次通訊? 考題分析:這道題考的是局域網(wǎng)ARP的請求。Host A要ping Host B,首先Host A需要封裝ping包,而封 裝ping包需要Host A和Host B的二、三層地址的信息。然而Host A不知道Host B的二層地址,這樣 Host A就會(huì )向局域網(wǎng)發(fā)送Arp請求,來(lái)請求Host B的二層地址。網(wǎng)關(guān)收到 Host A的Arp請求后,發(fā)現 Host B是其他網(wǎng)段的地址,這樣網(wǎng)關(guān)會(huì )啟用代理 Arp的功能,將自己的二層地址應答給 Host A。Host A收 到應答包后會(huì )對本地的 ARP緩存進(jìn)行更新,將應答方的 IP和MAC地址存儲在A(yíng)RP緩存中,同時(shí)完成 ping 包的封裝。網(wǎng)關(guān)在收到 ping包后會(huì )自動(dòng)完成二層地址的重定向。所以答案是 D。 此題考查的是pc的arp表,不要和包的目的地址、源地址弄混了。 在以太網(wǎng)尋址的時(shí)候,依靠的事MAC地址,每一個(gè)網(wǎng)段都需要尋找到自己的下一條(gateway)以自己的 MAC作為source gateway的mac作為destination封裝Frame,然后將Frame轉發(fā)出去 ,但是數據包是不 會(huì )進(jìn)行變化的,也就是 packet的頭部信息不會(huì )發(fā)生改變。所以IP包頭的source和des地址是不會(huì )變更的

  QUESTION 8 A network interface port has collision detection and carrier sensing enabled on a shared twisted pair network. From this statement, what is known about the network interface port?

  A. B. C. D. E.

  This is a 10Mb/s switch port. This is a 100Mbs switch port. This is an Ethernet port operating at half duplex. This is an Ethernet port operating at full duplex. This is a port on a network interface card in a PC.

  Correct Answer: C

  Explanation/Reference: 考點(diǎn):考查沖突域的概念。在半雙工網(wǎng)絡(luò )中才存在沖突域。 綜上所述選C

  QUESTION 9 A receiving host computes the checksum on a frame and determines that the frame is damaged.The frame is then discarded.At which OSI layer did this happen?

  A. B. C. D. E.

  session network physical data link transport


  Correct Answer: D

  Explanation/Reference: 幀的處理是在二層

  QUESTION 10 Which of the following correctly describe steps in the OSI data encapsulation process? (Choose two.)

  A. The transport layer divides a data stream into segments and may add reliability and flow control information. The data link layer adds physical source and destination addresses and an FCS to the segment. Packets are created when the network layer encapsulates a frame with source and destination host addresses and protocol-related control information. Packets are created when the network layer adds Layer 3 addresses and control information to a segment. The presentation layer translates bits into voltages for transmission across the physical link. B. C. D. E.

  Correct Answer: AD

  Explanation/Reference: 傳輸層將數據分段,并且加入 flow control 等信息。在網(wǎng)絡(luò )層就將數據進(jìn)行打包,并加上 ip包頭,鏈路層。 將包進(jìn)行成 Frame,封裝二層頭部

  QUESTION 11 Refer to the graphic.Host A is communicating with the seiver. What will be the source MAC address of the frames received by Host A from the server?

  A. B. C. D.

  the MAC address of the server network interface the MAC address of host A the MAC address of router interface e 1 the MAC address of router interface e0


  Correct Answer: D

  Explanation/Reference: host A 收到 server 的幀的源 mac 地址是 host A 的網(wǎng)關(guān)的 mac。

  QUESTION 12 Refer to the exhibit.What two results would occur if the hub were to be replaced with a switch that is configured with one Ethernet VLAN?(choose two)

  A. B. C. D. E.

  The number of collision domains would decrease. The number of collision domains would increase. The number of broadcast domains would remain the same. The number of collision domains would remain the same. The number of broadcast domains would increase.

  Correct Answer: BC

  Explanation/Reference: hub不可以隔離沖突域,所有端口同一個(gè)沖突域中 , 交換機可以隔離沖突域,每個(gè)端口在不同沖突域中, 故換成交換機沖突域個(gè)數會(huì )增加,大小會(huì )減小,而 hub 交換機都不可隔離廣播域 所有端口都在同一個(gè)廣播 域中,故廣播域數量不變

  A 沖突域數量減少 B 沖突域數量增加 C 廣播域數量不變 D 沖突域數量不變 E 廣播域數量增加

  QUESTION 13 Which three statements accurately describe layer 2 Ethernet switches?(choose three)

  A. B. C. D.

  Micro segmentation decreases the number of collisions on the network. if a switch receives a frame for an unknown destination, it uses ARP to resolve the address. Spanning Tree Protocol allows switches to automatically share vlan information. In a properly functioning network with redundant switched paths, each switched aegment will contain


  one root bridge with all its ports in the forwarding state. All other switches in that broadcast domain will have only one root port. E. Establishing vlans increases the number of broadcast domains. F. Switches that are configured with vlans make forwarding decisions based on both layer 2 and layer 3 address information.

  Correct Answer: ADE

  Explanation/Reference: A為分割減少沖突數量,這里是沖突并不是沖突域,正確 B收到未知目的幀會(huì )產(chǎn)生泛洪 C這是vtp的特性,不是stp的 D在一個(gè)能夠正常運行的網(wǎng)絡(luò )冗余交換路徑,每一個(gè)交換網(wǎng)段將包括一個(gè)跟橋。所有端口都在轉發(fā)狀態(tài),其 他本廣播域的交換機有一個(gè)根端口。正確 E.VLAN增加了廣播域。正確 F vlan使轉發(fā)基于二層和三層IP。題目要求對2層交換機的描述,二層交換機不能基于 3層IP轉發(fā) QUESTION 14 Where does routing occur within the DoD TCP/IP reference model?

  A. B. C. D.

  application internet network transport

  Correct Answer: B

  Explanation/Reference: 路由發(fā)生在 DOD模型的哪一層? 注意是 DOD模型不是 OSI 模型

  QUESTION 15 Which destination addresses will be used by Host A to send data to Host C? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  the IP address of Switch 1 the MAC address of Switch 1 the IP address of Host C the MAC address of Host C the IP address of the router's E0 interface the MAC address of the router's E0 interface


  Correct Answer: CF

  Explanation/Reference: 數據包在轉發(fā)的過(guò)程中,源目 IP不變,源目MAC會(huì )變化。 目的地不在同一個(gè)網(wǎng)段,數據先發(fā)送到網(wǎng)關(guān)。

  QUESTION 16 For what two purposes does the Ethernet protocol use physical addresses? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  to uniquely identify devices at Layer 2 to allow communication with devices on a different network to differentiate a Layer 2 frame from a Layer 3 packet to establish a priority system to determine which device gets to transmit first to allow communication between different devices on the same network to allow detection of a remote device when its physical address is unknown

  Correct Answer: AE

  Explanation/Reference: 考點(diǎn):考查 mac地址的作用。 A:在二層唯一確定一臺設備,正確 B:是設備在不同的網(wǎng)絡(luò )中通信,錯誤,不同網(wǎng)絡(luò )通信需要通過(guò) IP地址確定。 C:區別二層和三層幀,錯誤。 D:確定設備的優(yōu)先級,錯誤。沒(méi)有這個(gè)功能。 E:是同一網(wǎng)絡(luò )的不同設備可以通信,正確 F:當不知道遠程設備的物理地址時(shí)可以查詢(xún),錯誤。不能跨網(wǎng)段。 -----------攻城獅論壇 http://bbs.vlan5.com QUESTION 17 Refer to the exhibit. Based on the information given. Which switch will be elected root bridge and why?

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  Switch A ,because it has the lowest MAC address Switch C,because it has the lowest priority Switch B,because it has the highest MAC address Switch C,because it is the most centrally located switch Switch A,because it is the most centrally located switch Switch D,because it has the highest priority

  Correct Answer: B


  Explanation/Reference: 選跟橋先比較優(yōu)先級,優(yōu)先級相同再比較 mac 地址大小

  QUESTION 18 What value is primarily used to determine which port becomes the root port on each nonroot switch in a spanning-tree topology?

  A. B. C. D. E.

  lowest port MAC address port priority number and MAC address. VTP revision number highest port priority number. path cost

  Correct Answer: E

  Explanation/Reference: 此處為選舉跟端口,先要比較到跟橋的 cost。 如果是選跟橋,先比較優(yōu)先級

  QUESTION 19 Refer to the exhibit.Switch-1 needs to send data to a host with a MAC address of will Switch-1 do with this data?


  A. B. C. D.

  switch-1 will drop the data because it does not have an entry for that MAC address switch-1 will flood the data out all of its port from which the data originated switch-1 will forward the data to its default gateway switch-1 will send an ARP request out all its ports except the port from which the data originated

  Correct Answer: B

  Explanation/Reference: 答案:B 沒(méi)有 mac 地址會(huì )泛紅 根據下圖,Switch-1需要往一臺 MAC地址為 00b0.d056.efa4的主機發(fā)數據,Switch-1會(huì )如何處理這些數據?


  A. Switch-1 will drop the data because it does not have an entry for that MAC address.(Switch-1會(huì )丟棄該 數據,因為它沒(méi)有該 MAC地址條目) B. Switch-1 will flood the data out all of its ports except the port from which the data originated.(Switch-1會(huì ) 泛洪該數據到所有的接口,除了該數據的源接口) C. Switch-1 will send an ARP request out all its ports except the port from which the data originated. (Switch-1會(huì )發(fā)送ARP請求到所有的接口,除了該數據的源接口) D. Switch-1 will forward the data to its default gateway.(Switch-1會(huì )往默認網(wǎng)關(guān)發(fā)送該數據)

  QUESTION 20 What is the function of the command switchport trunk native vlan 999 on a switch?

  A. B. C. D.

  It designates VLAN 999 for untagged traffic. It blocks VLAN 999 traffic from passing on the trunk. It creates a VLAN 999 interface. It designates VLAN 999 as the default for all unknown tagged traffic. Correct Answer: A

  Explanation/Reference: 設置 vlan999為本征 vlan,交換機默認本征 vlan為 vlan1.此題正確答案為 A.

  QUESTION 21 Which two protocols are used by bridges and/or switches to prevent loops in a layer 2 network? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E.

  802.1d VTP 802.1q STP SAP

  Correct Answer: AD

  Explanation/Reference: 考點(diǎn)分析:這道題考的是生成樹(shù)協(xié)議。能防止二層環(huán)路的當然是生成樹(shù)協(xié)議,生成樹(shù)協(xié)議 有 STP(802.1d)和 RSTP(802.1w)。

  QUESTION 22 Which switch would STP choose to become the root bridge in the selection process?

  A. B. C. D.

  32768: 11-22-33-44-55-66 32768: 22-33-44-55-66-77 32769: 11-22-33-44-55-65 32769: 22-33-44-55-66-78

  Correct Answer: A

  Explanation/Reference: stp選舉跟橋首先比較優(yōu)先級大小.然后比較 mac 地址大小

  QUESTION 23 A switch is configured with all ports assigned to vlan 2 with full duplex FastEthernet to segment existing departmental traffic. What is the effect of adding switch ports to a new VLAN on the switch?


  A. B. C. D.

  More collision domains will be created. IP address utilization will be more efficient. More bandwidth will be required than was needed previously. An additional broadcast domain will be created.

  Correct Answer: D

  Explanation/Reference: 一個(gè)交換機把所有的端口以全雙工的模式加到一個(gè)vlan里,把一個(gè)端口加入到一 個(gè)新的vlan里會(huì )對此交換機 產(chǎn)生什么影響? 考點(diǎn)分析:這道題考的是vlan的概念。將一個(gè)交換的端口加入一個(gè)新vlan代表一個(gè)新的廣播域產(chǎn)生了,因 為 vlan有隔離廣播域的作用

  QUESTION 24 What are three benefits of implementing vlans?(choose three)

  A. A more efficient use of bandwidth can be achieved allowing many physical groups to use the same network infrastructure Broadcast storms can be mitigated by decreasing the number of broadcast domains,thus increasing their size. A higher level of network security can be reached by separating sensitive data traffic from other network traffic. Port-based vlans increase switch-port use efficient,thanks to 802.1Q trunks A more efficient use of bandwidth can be achieved allowing many logical networks to use the same network infrastructure. Broadcast storms can be mitigated by increasing the number of broadcast domains,thus reducing their size. VLANs make it easier for IT staff to configure new logical groups,because the vlans all belong to the same broadcast domain. B. C. D. E. F. G.

  Correct Answer: CEF

  Explanation/Reference: A錯,不是通過(guò)物理上組合,而是邏輯上的 B錯,應該是增加廣播域的數量 C一個(gè)更高的層次網(wǎng)絡(luò )安全可以實(shí)現,以分離的敏感數據從其他網(wǎng)絡(luò )。正確 D thanks to 802.1Q trunks不正確 E正確 ,logical是邏輯的意思 F正確 G錯誤,是VTP的作用不是vlan的

  QUESTION 25 Which IEEE standard protocol is initiated as a result of successful DTP completion in a switch over FastEthernet?

  A. B. C. D.

  802.3ad 802.1w 802.1Q 802.1d

  Correct Answer: C   Explanation/Reference: 動(dòng)態(tài)中繼協(xié)議 DTP,是 VLAN 組中思科的私有協(xié)議,主要用于協(xié)商兩臺設備間鏈路上的中繼過(guò)程及中繼 封裝 802.1Q 類(lèi)型。

  QUESTION 26 Which of the following are benefits of VLANs? (Choose three.)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  They increase the size of collision domains. They allow logical grouping of users by function. They can enhance network security. They increase the size of broadcast domains while decreasing the number of collision domains. They increase the number of broadcast domains while decreasing the size of the broadcast domains. They simplify switch administration.

  Correct Answer: BCE

  Explanation/Reference: 考查 VLAN的特點(diǎn) A:增加沖突域的大小,錯誤 B:允許邏輯劃分網(wǎng)段,正確 C:增強網(wǎng)絡(luò )安全,正確。不同vlan不能直接通信。 D:當減少沖突域時(shí)增加廣播域的大小。錯誤 E:減少廣播域的大小時(shí)增加了廣播域個(gè)數。正確。 F:簡(jiǎn)化交換機管理。答非所問(wèn)。 -----------攻城獅論壇 http://bbs.vlan5.com QUESTION 27 Refer to the exhibit.A technician has installed SwithchB and needs to configure it for remote access from the management workstation connected SwitchA Which set of commands is required to accomplish this task?

  A. SwitchB(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/1 SwitchB(config)#ip address SwitchB(config)#no shutdown B. SwitchB(config)#ip default-gateway


  SwitchB(config)#interface vlan 1 SwitchB(config)#ip address SwitchB(config)#no shutdown SwitchB(config)#interface vlan 1 SwitchB(config)#ip address SwitchB(config)#ip default-gateway SwitchB(config)#no shutdown SwitchB(config)#ip default-network SwitchB(config)#interface vlan 1 SwitchB(config)#ip address SwitchB(config)#no shutdown



  Correct Answer: B

  Explanation/Reference: 想要遠程管理交換機需要在交換機上的配置,B 正確

  QUESTION 28 In an Ethernet network, under what two scenarios can devices transmit? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E.

  when they receive a special token when there is a carrier when they detect no other devices are sending when the medium is idle when the server grants access

  Correct Answer: CD

  QUESTION 29 Which two states are the port states when RSTP has converged?(choose two)

  A. B. C. D. E.

  blocking learning discarding forwarding listening

  Correct Answer: CD

  Explanation/Reference: 在RSTP中只有三種端口狀態(tài),Discarding、Leaning和Forwarding,匯聚之后的狀態(tài)只有 Discarding、 Forwarding。

  QUESTION 30 Which two commands can be used to verify a trunk link configuration status on a given cisco switch? (choose two)


  A. B. C. D. E.

  show interfaces interface show interfaces trunk show interfaces switchport show ip interface brief show interfaces vlan

  Correct Answer: BC

  Explanation/Reference: 查看 trunk 命令,show interface trunk 和 show interface ,只能選 BC

  QUESTION 31 Which command enables RSTP on a switch?

  A. B. C. D.

  spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst spanning-tree uplinkfast spanning-tree backbonefast spanning-tree mode mst

  Correct Answer: A

  Explanation/Reference: 啟用 RSTP 的命令

  QUESTION 32 Which of the following statements describe the network shown in the graphic? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  There are two broadcast domains in the network. There are four broadcast domains in the network. There are six broadcast domains in the network. There are four collision domains in the network. There are five collision domains in the network. There are seven collision domains in the network.

  Correct Answer: AF


  Explanation/Reference: 路由器一個(gè)端口一個(gè)廣播域 交換機一個(gè)端口一個(gè)沖突域 集線(xiàn)器一個(gè)沖突域。左邊是集線(xiàn)器,右邊是交換機。 路由器有兩個(gè)端口,所以有兩個(gè)廣播域。 右邊交換機有 6個(gè)端口加上左邊集線(xiàn)器一共 7個(gè)沖突域。

  QUESTION 33 Refer to the exhibit.

  All switch ports are assigned to the correct VLANs, but none of the hosts connected to SwitchA can communicate with hosts in the same VLAN connected to SwitchB. Based on the output shown, what is the most likely problem?

  A. B. C. D. E.

  The access link needs to be configured in multiple VLANs. The link between the switches is configured in the wrong VLAN. The link between the switches needs to be configured as a trunk. VTP is not configured to carry VLAN information between the switches. Switch IP addresses must be configured in order for traffic to be forwarded between the switches

  Correct Answer: C

  Explanation/Reference: 由圖中可知,兩個(gè)交換機相連接的端口都是 access,應該配置成 trunk

  QUESTION 34 Refer to the exhibit. Given the output shown from this Cisco Catalyst 2950, what is the most likely reason that interface FastEthernet 0/10 is not the root port for VLAN 2?


  A. B. C. D.

  This switch has more than one interface connected to the root network segment in VLAN 2. This switch is running RSTP while the elected designated switch is running 802.1d Spanning Tree. This switch interface has a higher path cost to the root bridge than another in the topology. This switch has a lower bridge ID for VLAN 2 than the elected designated switch.

  Correct Answer: C 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑: http://bbs.vlan5.com/thread-8087-1-1.html

  Explanation/Reference: 如圖,給出了 Cisco交換機2950的輸出代碼,Fa0/10沒(méi)有成為Vlan2的根端口最優(yōu)可能的原因是什么? 考點(diǎn)分析:一個(gè)端口要想成為根端口,首先比較根路徑成本, 越低越可能。題目問(wèn)為什么沒(méi)能成為根端 口,原因最可能就是根路徑成本比其他端口高。 -----------攻城獅論壇 http://bbs.vlan5.com QUESTION 35 Why will a switch never learn a broadcast address?

  A. B. C. D. E.

  Broadcast frames are never sent to swiches. Broadcast addresses use an incorrect format for the switching table. A broadcast address will never be the source address of a frame. Broadcasts only use network layer addressing. A broadcast frame is never forwarded by a switch.

  Correct Answer: C


  QUESTION 36 Refer to the exhibit. Why has this switch not been elected the root bridge for VLAN1?


  A. B. C. D.

  It has more than one interface that is connected to the root network segment. It is running RSTP while the elected root bridge is running 802.1d spanning tree. It has a higher MAC address than the elected root bridge. It has a higher bridge ID than the elected root bridge.

  Correct Answer: D

  Explanation/Reference: 考點(diǎn):考查 STP 選舉原則,RID小者優(yōu)先。由提示可知根橋的 RID為 20481 A:有超過(guò) 1個(gè)接口連接到根網(wǎng)段,錯誤 B:使用了 RSTP,但是選舉根橋時(shí)使用了 802.1d,錯誤 C:比根橋有更高的 MAC地址,錯誤 D:比根橋有更高的 RID,正確。

  QUESTION 37 Which two link protocols are used to carry multiple VLANs over a single link? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E.

  VTP 802.1q IGP ISL 802.3u

  Correct Answer: BD

  Explanation/Reference: 考點(diǎn)分析:這道題考的是Trunk的基本概念。Trunk的協(xié)議有兩種,一種是通用的 802.1Q協(xié) 議,另一種是 cisco專(zhuān)用的ISL協(xié)議。

  QUESTION 38 assuming the default switch configuration which vlan range can be added modified and removed on a cisco switch?


  A. B. C. D.

  2 through 1001 1 through 1001 1 through 1002 2 through 1005

  Correct Answer: A

  Explanation/Reference: 交換機上默認那些是可以修改和移動(dòng)的 vlan。2-1001

  QUESTION 39 Which statement about vlan operation on cisco catalyst switches is true?

  A. when a packet is received from an 802.1Q trunk,the vlan id can be determined from the source MAC address table. unkown unicast frames are retransmitted only to the ports that belong to the same vlan ports between switches should be configured in access mode so that vlans can span across the ports broadcast and multicast frames are retransmitted to ports that are configured on different vlan. B. C. D.

  Correct Answer: B

  Explanation/Reference: A 通過(guò)源 mac 地址確定 vlan,不正確 B 未知單播幀只在本 vlan傳播,正確 C交換機之間應該設置為 trunk D vlan能分割廣播域,廣播不能跨 vlan傳輸

  QUESTION 40 Refer to the topology shown in the exhibit. Which ports will be STP designated ports if all the links are operating at the same bandwidth? (Choose three.)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  Switch A - Fa0/0 Switch A - Fa0/1 Switch B - Fa0/0 Switch B - Fa0/1 Switch C - Fa0/0 Switch C - Fa0/1

  Correct Answer: BCD


  Explanation/Reference: B 的 mac 最小為根橋 ,B 的倆端口為指定端口. A 的 F0/0和 C的 F0/0為根端口。A 的 mac 較小,A 的 F0/1為指定端口,C的 F0/1堵塞

  QUESTION 41 Refer to the exhibit. How should the FastEthernet0/1 port on the 2950 model switches that are shown in the exhibit be configured to allow connectivity between all devices?

  A. B.

  The ports only need to be connected by a crossover cable. SwitchX(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1 SwitchX(config-if)# switchport mode trunk SwitchX(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1 SwitchX(config-if)# switchport mode access SwitchX(config-if)# switchport access vlan 1 SwitchX(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1



  SwitchX(config-if)# SwitchX(config-if)# SwitchX(config-if)# SwitchX(config-if)#

  switchport switchport switchport switchport

  mode trunk trunk vlan 1 trunk vlan 10 trunk vlan 20

  Correct Answer: B

  Explanation/Reference: fa0/0,fa0/1--此兩接口都必須配置成 trunk,才能達到 vlan間通信 而且 sw1 和 sw2間的鏈路必須 trunk 才能帶到相同 vlan的通信

  QUESTION 42 Refer to the exhibit A frame on vlan 1on switch s1 is sent to switch s2 when the frame is received on vlan 2,what causes this behavior?


  A. B. C. D.

  trunk mode mismatches vlans that do not correspond to a unique IP subnet native vlan mismatches allowing only vlan 2 on the destination.

  Correct Answer: C

  Explanation/Reference: 兩交換機本征 vlan不一樣,不能正常通信

  QUESTION 43 Which three statements about RSTP are true?(choose three)

  A. RSTP significantly reduces topology reconverting time after a link failure. B. RSTP expends the STP port roles by adding the alternate and backup roles.


  C. D. E. F.

  RSTP port states are blocking,discarding,learing,or forwarding. RSTP also uses the STP proprsal-agreement sequence. RSTP use the same timer-baseed process as STP on point-to-point links. RSTP provides a faster transition to the forwarding state on point-to-point links than STP does.

  Correct Answer: ABF

  Explanation/Reference: A 能夠減少匯聚時(shí)間 B 比 STP增加了端口角色 alternat 和 backup F 在點(diǎn)到點(diǎn)鏈路提供比 STP 更快的傳輸和轉發(fā)

  QUESTION 44 At which layer of the OSI model is RSTP used to prevent loops?

  A. B. C. D.

  data link network physical transport

  Correct Answer: A


  QUESTION 45 What does a Layer 2 switch use to decide where to forward a received frame?

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  source MAC address source IP address source switch port destination IP address destination port address destination MAC address

  Correct Answer: F

  Explanation/Reference: 二層交換機用目的 mac 地址來(lái)轉發(fā)收到的幀

  QUESTION 46 Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true?


  A. B. C. D.

  The Fa0/11 role confirms that SwitchA is the root bridge for VLAN 20. VLAN 20 is running the Per VLAN Spanning Tree Protocol. The MAC address of the root bridge is 0017.596d.1580. SwitchA is not the root bridge, because not all of the interface roles are designated.

  Correct Answer: D

  Explanation/Reference: stp對于跟橋所有的接口都是指定端口

  QUESTION 47 Which two benefits are provided by creating VLANs? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E.

  added security dedicated bandwidth provides segmentation allows switches to route traffic between subinterfaces contains collisions

  Correct Answer: AC

  Explanation/Reference: vlan的主要特點(diǎn)第一個(gè)提供網(wǎng)絡(luò )安全因為默認vlan間是不能夠通信的,第二個(gè)提供了網(wǎng)絡(luò )分段.因為一個(gè)vlan 就是一個(gè)邏輯子網(wǎng)

  QUESTION 48 Which command can be used from a PC to verify the connectivity between hosts that connect through a switch in the same LAN?

  A. B. C.

  ping address tracert address traceroute address


  D. arp address

  Correct Answer: A 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: Traceroute是用來(lái)偵測主機到目的主機之間所經(jīng)路由,這里是在同一個(gè) lan,所以用不到

  QUESTION 49 Based on the network shown in the graphic which option contains the potential networking problem and protocol or setting that can to prevent the problem?

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  Routing loops, hold down timers Switching loops, split horizon Routing loops, split horizon Switching loops, VTP Routing loops, STP Switching loops, STP

  Correct Answer: F

  Explanation/Reference: 交換機存在環(huán)路,STP 生成樹(shù)來(lái)防止環(huán)路

  QUESTION 50 Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are true about interVLAN routing in the topology that is shown in the exhibit? (Choose two.)


  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  Host E and host F use the same IP gateway address. Router1 and Switch2 should be connected via a crossover cable. Router1 will not play a role in communications between host A and host D. The FastEthernet 0/0 interface on Router1 must be configured with subinterfaces. Router1 needs more LAN interfaces to accommodate the VLANs that are shown in the exhibit. The FastEthernet 0/0 interface on Router1 and Switch2 trunk ports must be configured using the same encapsulation type.

  Correct Answer: DF

  Explanation/Reference: 問(wèn):如下圖,對于圖中拓撲中vlan之間路由,那兩個(gè)選項是正確的? 考點(diǎn)分析:這道題考的是vlan間的路由,用的是單臂路由的拓撲模型。此拓撲模型是由路由器來(lái)完成vlan間 數據流量的轉發(fā)。如圖,Route1不需要更多的 Lan接口,它只需要在F0/0口上創(chuàng )建更多的子接口來(lái)完成對更 多vlan的接入。所以E錯誤,這題的正確答案是 D,F。 在單臂路由的時(shí)候,首先路由器的接口要配置子接口針對每一個(gè)vlan一個(gè)邏輯接口,其次交換機的接口要配 置 trunk,并且封裝要和路由器接口的封裝一致

  QUESTION 51 Which two of these are characteristics of the 802.1Q protocol?(choose two)

  A. B. C.

  it is a layer 2 messaging protocol which maintains vlan configurations across network. it includes an 8-bit field which specifies the priority of a frame. it is used exclusively for tagging vlan frames and dose not address network reconvergence following switched network topology changes. it modifies the 802.3 frame header,and thus requires that the FCS be recomputed. it is a trunking protocol capable of carring untagged frames.

  D. E.

  Correct Answer: DE

  Explanation/Reference: A描述的是vtp的特性 B應該是3bit C exclusively是唯一的意思。802.1Q不是唯一的 D修改幀的頭部,需要重新進(jìn)行 FCS校驗,正確 E是一個(gè)trunk協(xié)議并支持不打標記的幀,正確


  QUESTION 52 Refer to the exhibit. Each of these four switches has been configured with a hostname, as well as being configured to run RSTP. No other configuration changes have been made. Which three of these show the correct RSTP port roles for the indicated switches and interfaces? (Choose three.)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  SwitchA, Fa0/2, designated SwitchA, Fa0/1, root SwitchB, Gi0/2, root SwitchB, Gi0/1, designated SwitchC, Fa0/2, root SwitchD, Gi0/2, root

  Correct Answer: ABF

  Explanation/Reference: 如圖,每個(gè)交換機都配置了主機名,也都運行了 RSTP,在就沒(méi)有做其他的配置了。下面哪三個(gè)選項正確的 描述了RSTP的 端口角色? 考點(diǎn)分析: 1.判斷根橋,通過(guò)比較各個(gè)網(wǎng)橋的Mac地址,橋Mac地址最小的為根橋,所以根橋是C,根橋上的所有端口 是指定端口。 2.判斷非根橋上的跟端口。在同一個(gè)交換機上,到根網(wǎng)橋的 cost較小的那個(gè)端口會(huì )成為root port。所以 SwitchA Fa0/1, SwitchD Gi0/2,SwitchB Gi0/1會(huì )成為相應交換機上的RP。 3.判斷每個(gè)網(wǎng)段上的指定端口。 SWA--SWB段:SWA的 F0/2端口的cost為19,SWB的G0/2端口cost為4+19=23,所以SWA的F0/2為指定端口。 SWB--SWD段:SWB 的G0/1端口cost為19+19=38,SWD的G0/1 端口cost為19,所以SWD的G0/1端口為指定端口。 4.剩余SWB的G0/2端口既不是指定端口,又不是根端口,處于堵塞狀態(tài)。 注:100M 鏈路 cost 為 19.1000M 鏈路 cost 為 4.



  QUESTION 53 Refer to the exhibit.The network administrator normally establishes a telnet session with the switch from host A.However,host A is unavailable.The administrator′s attempt to the switch from host B fails,but pings to the other two hosts are successful.what is the issue?

  A. B. C. D. E.

  Host B and the switch need to be in the same subnet. The switch needs and appropriate default gateway assigned. The switch interface connected to the router is down. Host B need to be assigned an IP address in vlan 1. The switch interfaces need the appropriate IP addresses assigned.

  Correct Answer: B

  Explanation/Reference: 遠程管理交換機需要在交換機上設置 default gateway和 vlan IP

  QUESTION 54 Refer to the exhibit. What switch proves the spanning-tree designated port role for the network segment that services the printers?


  A. B. C. D.

  Switch1 Switch2 Switch3 Switch4

  Correct Answer: C

  Explanation/Reference: 題目求哪一個(gè)交換機為打印機提供指定端口? 由圖可知 S1是根橋。指定端口是基于網(wǎng)段間選舉的。 S3--S4之間 S3的 BID比 S4小,所以 S3-S4之間的指定端口在 S3上。

  QUESTION 55 What is one benefit of PVST+?

  A. B. C. D.

  PVST+reduces the CPU cycles for all the switches in the network PVST+automatically selects the root bridge location,to provide optimized PVST+allow the root switch location to be optimized per vlan. PVST+supports Layer 3 load balancing without loops.

  bandwidth usage.

  Correct Answer: C

  Explanation/Reference: PVST+允許每一個(gè) vlan有自己的跟橋

  QUESTION 56 Which are valid modes for a switch port used as a VLAN trunk? (Choose three.)

  A. B. C. D.

  transparent auto on desirable


  E. blocking F. forwarding

  Correct Answer: BCD

  Explanation/Reference: 以下哪些是vlan trunk端口的有效模式? 考點(diǎn)分析:這道題考的是trunk的模式。這是trunk基本概念,可以形成trunk鏈路的模式有 auto、on和 desirable

  QUESTION 57 How many broadcast domains are shown in the graphic assuming only the default vlan is configured on the switches?

  A. B. C. D.

  one six twelve two

  Correct Answer: A

  Explanation/Reference: 一個(gè) vlan為一個(gè)廣播域,圖中有兩個(gè)交換機,但是只有一個(gè)默認的 vlan,所以只有一個(gè)廣播域

  QUESTION 58 Which three of these statements regarding 802.1Q trunking are correct? (Choose three.)

  A. B. C. D. E.

  802.1Q native VLAN frames are untagged by default. 802.1Q trunking ports can also be secure ports. 802.1Q trunks can use 10 Mb/s Ethernet interfaces. 802.1Q trunks require full-duplex, point-to-point connectivity. 802.1Q trunks should have native VLANs that are the same at both ends.

  Correct Answer: ACE

  Explanation/Reference: 802.1q native vlan是不做標記的,并且在 trunk 兩邊的 native需要一致

  QUESTION 59 Refer to the exhibit. The output that is shown is generated at a switch. Which three of these statements are true? (Choose three.)


  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  All ports will be in a state of discarding, learning, or forwarding. Thiry VLANs have been configured on this switch. The bridge priority is lower than the default value for spanning tree. All interfaces that are shown are on shared media. All designated ports are in a forwarding state. The switch must be the root bridge for all VLANs on this switch.

  Correct Answer: ACE

  Explanation/Reference: rstp的所有接口在收斂完成之前都將經(jīng)歷 discarding->learning->forwarding的狀態(tài),并且 rstp的默認優(yōu)先級應 該為 32768,所有的 DP 都將轉發(fā)數據

  QUESTION 60 Refer to the exhibit. At the end of an RSTP election process, which access layer switch port will assume the discarding role?


  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  Switch3, port fa0/1 Switch3, port fa0/12 Switch4, port fa0/11 Switch4, port fa0/2 Switch3, port Gi0/1 Switch3, port Gi0/2

  Correct Answer: C

  Explanation/Reference: SW1為跟橋,SW4會(huì )選擇一個(gè)端口作為根端口,另一個(gè)堵塞。在兩個(gè)端口 cost相同的情況下,選擇端口號 小的為跟端口,端口號大的堵塞。

  QUESTION 61 Which term describes a spanning-tree network that has all switch ports in either the blocking or forwarding state?

  A. B. C. D.

  redundant spanned provisioned converged

  Correct Answer: D

  Explanation/Reference: 收斂以后交換機端口只有堵塞和轉發(fā)狀態(tài)

  QUESTION 62 What are the possible trunking modes for a switch port? (Choose three.)

  A. B. C. D.

  transparent auto on desirable


  E. client F. forwarding

  Correct Answer: BCD

  Explanation/Reference: 考點(diǎn):考查交換機在 trunk 模式下的模式 auto:不會(huì )主動(dòng)發(fā) DTP 信息 on:強制成為 trunk,也主動(dòng)發(fā) DTP 信息 desirable:DTP 主動(dòng)模式,發(fā) DTP 和對方協(xié)商

  QUESTION 63 Which two of these statements regarding RSTP are correct? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E.

  RSTP cannot operate with PVST+. RSTP defines new port roles. RSTP defines no new port states. RSTP is a proprietary implementation of IEEE 802.1D STP. RSTP is compatible with the original IEEE 802.1D STP.

  Correct Answer: BE

  Explanation/Reference: RSTP 定義了新的端口類(lèi)型,包括隔離端口,備份端口等,rstp如果與 stp同時(shí)存在的話(huà)。那么將兼容成 stp

  QUESTION 64 Refer to the exhibit.Which two statements are true of the interfaces on switch1?(choose two)


  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  A hub is connected directly to FastEthernet0/5 FastEthernet0/1 is configured as a trunk link. FastEthernet0/5 has statically assigned mac address Interface FastEthernet0/2 has been disable. Multiple devices are connected directly to FastEthernet0/1. FastEthernet0/1 is connected to a host with multiple network interface cards.

  Correct Answer: AB

  Explanation/Reference: 圖中可以看出 F0/1,F0/2為 trunk。F0/5端口有多個(gè) mac 地址,而且不是 trunk,只能是接了一個(gè) hub

  QUESTION 65 Three switches are connected to one anther via trunk ports.Assuming the default switch configuration,which switch is elected as the root bridge for the spanning-tree instance of vlan 1?

  A. the switch with the lowest MAC address B. the switch with the highest MAC address


  C. the switch witch the highest IP address D. the switch with the lowest IP address

  Correct Answer: A

  Explanation/Reference: 在運行 STP協(xié)議的網(wǎng)絡(luò )中選擇根橋需要利用橋 ID. 橋 ID由橋優(yōu)先級(所有思科交換機上默認優(yōu)先級為 32768)和 MAC地址組合來(lái)決定的。 在網(wǎng)絡(luò )中,橋 ID最小的網(wǎng)橋成為根橋。 橋 ID=橋優(yōu)先級+橋 mac 越小越優(yōu)先

  QUESTION 66 What are three advantages of VLANs? (Choose three.)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  VLANs establish broadcast domains in switched networks. VLANs utilize packet filtering to enhance network security. VLANs provide a method of conserving IP addresses in large networks. VLANs provide a low-latency internetworking alternative to routed networks. VLANs allow access to network services based on department, not physical location. VLANs can greatly simplify adding, moving, or changing hosts on the network.

  Correct Answer: AEF

  Explanation/Reference: A:VLAN在交換網(wǎng)絡(luò )中建立廣播域,正確 B:利用 VLAN的數據包過(guò)濾,增強網(wǎng)絡(luò )的安全性。錯誤,沒(méi)有這個(gè)特性。 C:提供了在大型網(wǎng)絡(luò )中的保護 IP地址的方法。錯誤。 D:提供低延遲互聯(lián)網(wǎng)絡(luò )替代路由網(wǎng)絡(luò )。錯誤 E:vlan允許基于邏輯劃分的網(wǎng)絡(luò )訪(fǎng)問(wèn),不是物理位置。正確。 F:VLAN可以大大簡(jiǎn)化添加,移動(dòng)或更改網(wǎng)絡(luò )上的主機。正確。

  QUESTION 67 Which two benefits are provided by using a hierarchical addressing network addressing scheme? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E.

  reduces routing table entries auto-negotiation of media rates efficient utilization of MAC addresses dedicated communications between devices ease of management and troubleshooting

  Correct Answer: AE 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 提供分層的網(wǎng)絡(luò )地址規劃,第一個(gè)我們容易實(shí)時(shí)路由匯總從而減少路由條目,第二給我們在管理方面還錯誤排 查方面提供了便利

  QUESTION 68 What is the alternative notation for the IPV6 address B514:82C3:0000:0000:0029:EC7A:0000:EC72?

  A. B514:82C3:0029::EC7A:0000:EC72 B. B514:82C3:0029:EC7A:EC72


  C. B514:82C3::0029:EC7A:0:EC72 D. B514:82C3::0029:EC7A:EC72

  Correct Answer: C 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 考試時(shí)候 C可能會(huì )出現 14:82C3::0029:EC7A:0:EC72這種情況,系統錯誤,不用管它,選 C

  QUESTION 69 Refer to the diagram. All hosts have connectivity with one another. Which statements describe the addressing scheme that is in use in the network? (Choose three.)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  The subnet mask in use is The subnet mask in use is The IP address can be assigned to hosts in VLAN1 The IP address can be assigned to hosts in VLAN1 The LAN interface of the router is configured with one IP address. The LAN interface of the router is configured with multiple IP addresses.

  Correct Answer: BCF

  Explanation/Reference: 1、子網(wǎng)掩碼要使兩個(gè) IP處于不同網(wǎng)段。把一個(gè) C類(lèi)劃分成兩個(gè)子網(wǎng)。 2、在路由器上配置子接口,用單臂路由實(shí)現通信。

  QUESTION 70 Which two statements describe characteristics of IPv6 unicast addressing? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E.

  Global addresses start with 2000::/3. Link-local addresses start with FE00:/12. Link-local addresses start with FF00::/10. There is only one loopback address and it is ::1. If a global address is assigned to an interface, then that is the only allowable address for the interface.

  Correct Answer: AD


  Explanation/Reference: ipv6的常規問(wèn)題,global address的其實(shí)段位2000::/3這個(gè)是定義好了的,D選項說(shuō)的是換回地址,也就是 ipv4的這個(gè)類(lèi)似的.所以D正確

  QUESTION 71 the network administrator has been asked to give reasons for moving from ipv4 to ipv6. what are two valid reasons for adopting ipv6 over ipv4?(choose two)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  telnet access does not require a password nat no broadcast chanage of destination address in the ipv6 header chanage of source address in the ipv6 header autoconfiguration

  Correct Answer: CF

  Explanation/Reference: 要求給出 IPV4向 IPv6轉換的理由,也就是 v6的優(yōu)點(diǎn)。C沒(méi)有廣播, F 自動(dòng)設置

  QUESTION 72 An administrator must assign static IP addresses to the servers in a network.For network, the router is assigned the first usable host address while the sales server is given the last usable host address. Which of the following should be entered into the IP propertied box for the sales server?

  A. B. C. D. E.

  IP address: Subnet Mask: Default Gateway: IP address: Subnet Mask: Default Gateway: IP address: Subnet Mask: Default Gateway: IP address: Subnet Mask: Default Gateway: IP address: Subnet Mask: Default Gateway:

  Correct Answer: C

  Explanation/Reference:地址范圍,其中第一個(gè)地址為網(wǎng)絡(luò )地址,最后一個(gè)為廣 播地址,這兩個(gè)地址不可用。

  QUESTION 73 Which subnet mask would be appropriate for a network address range to be subnetted for up to eight LANs, with each LAN containing 5 to 26 hosts?

  A. B. C. D. E.

  Correct Answer: D 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 每個(gè)網(wǎng)段有 5到 26 個(gè) host,最好是用 32 的塊大小,掩碼為


  QUESTION 74 How many bits are contained in each field of an IPv6 address?

  A. B. C. D.

  24 4 8 16

  Correct Answer: D

  Explanation/Reference: IPV6地址每一段地址有 16 位

  QUESTION 75 Which three approaches can be used while migrating from an IPV4 addressing scheme to an IPV6 scheme.(choose three)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  statically map IPV4 address to IPV6 addresses configuration IPv4 tunnels between IPV6 islands use DHCPv6 to map IPV4 addresses to IPV6 addresses use proxying and translation to translate IPV6 packets into IPV4 packets configure IPV6 directly enable dual-stack routing

  Correct Answer: BDF

  Explanation/Reference: 答案是 ABF。 IPV6向IPV4過(guò)渡書(shū)上有三種方法:隧道,雙棧,NAT-PT. A是靜態(tài)NAT-PT B是隧道 F是雙棧 -----------攻城獅論壇 http://bbs.vlan5.com QUESTION 76 Refer to the exhibit. In this VLSM addressing scheme, what summary address would be sent from router A?


  A. B. C. D. E. F. /16 /20 /24 /16 /17 /16

  Correct Answer: A


  QUESTION 77 How is an EUI-64 format interface ID created from a 48-bit MAC address?

  A. B. C. D. E.

  by appending 0xFF to the MAC address. by prefixing the MAC address with 0xFFEE. by prefixing the MAC address with 0xFF and appending 0xFF to it. by inserting 0xFFFE between the upper three bytes and the lower three bytes of the MAC address by prefixing the MAC address with 0xF and inserting 0xF after each of its first three bytes.

  Correct Answer: D

  Explanation/Reference: EUI-64是擴展的mac地址,由64位組成,通過(guò)在mac地址中間,也就是第 24位的前面插入16位 0XFFFE,以創(chuàng )建一個(gè)64位,獨特的接口標識符。

  QUESTION 78 Refer to the exhibit.Which is the most efficient summarization that R1 can use to advertise its networks to R2?

  A. B. C.


  D. E.

  Correct Answer: A

  Explanation/Reference: 做一個(gè)最精確的路由匯總,將圖中 IP地址做匯總

  QUESTION 79 Which option is a valid IPv6 address?

  A. B. C. D.

  2001:0000:130F::099a::12a 2002:7654:A1AD:61:81AF:CCC1 FEC0:ABCD:WXYZ:0067::2A4 2004:1:25A4:886F::1

  Correct Answer: D

  Explanation/Reference: A.只能一個(gè)冒號 B.應該 8個(gè)字段 C.16進(jìn)制沒(méi)有 WXYZ

  QUESTION 80 Which three are characteristics of an IPV6 anycast address?(choose three)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  any-to-many communication model delivery of packets to the group interface that is closest to the sending device one-to-many communication model the same address for multiple devices in the group one-to-nearest communication model a unique IPV6 address for each device in the group

  Correct Answer: BDE

  Explanation/Reference: A 多對多通信模型 B 數據包傳送到該組接口,轉發(fā)到最近的節點(diǎn) C 一對多通信模型 D 同組中多個(gè)接口共用一個(gè)地址 E 發(fā)送到任播地址的分組被轉發(fā)到最近的端口(節點(diǎn)) F 組中每個(gè)節點(diǎn)有一個(gè)唯一的 IV6地址(每臺設備可以有一個(gè)以上的端口,所以用節點(diǎn)來(lái)表示)

  題目考查 IPV6的任播 3個(gè)特點(diǎn): 1.數據包傳送到該組接口,轉發(fā)到最近的節點(diǎn) 2.同組中多個(gè)接口共用一個(gè)地址

  我們永遠給熱愛(ài)網(wǎng)絡(luò )技術(shù)的你提供更新一點(diǎn)的題庫,更明白一點(diǎn)的解釋,更周到一點(diǎn)的服務(wù),更低一點(diǎn)的價(jià)格!

  獲取最新題庫,戰報,資料, 結識


  考試可以這么記: anycast =》closet 、nearest、 same dress for multiple devices 近 、 近 、 一個(gè)地址多個(gè)設備

  QUESTION 81 A national retail chain needs to design an IP addressing scheme to support a nationwide network. The company needs a minimum of 300 sub-networks and a maximum of 50 host addresses per subnet. Working with only one Class B address, which of the following subnet masks will support an appropriate addressing scheme? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  Correct Answer: BE

  Explanation/Reference: 一個(gè)國家的零售連鎖店需要設計一個(gè) IP方案來(lái)支持一個(gè)全國性的網(wǎng)絡(luò )互聯(lián)。該公司需要最少 300個(gè)子網(wǎng)段以 及每個(gè)子網(wǎng)段最多50太主機。僅使用一個(gè)B類(lèi)地址,下列中哪些子網(wǎng)掩碼能夠滿(mǎn)足這個(gè)地址分配方案? 需要 至少300個(gè)子網(wǎng),每個(gè)子網(wǎng)至少50臺主機。使用一個(gè)B類(lèi)地址來(lái)劃分。 考點(diǎn)分析:這道題考的是 VLSM。因 為題中說(shuō)每個(gè)網(wǎng)段最多 50機器,且2^5<50<2^6,主機位至少是6位;整 個(gè)網(wǎng)絡(luò )最少有 300個(gè)子網(wǎng),且是B 類(lèi)網(wǎng)絡(luò ),所以網(wǎng)絡(luò )號至少是 25個(gè); A:最多有256個(gè)子網(wǎng),錯誤 C:只有64個(gè)子網(wǎng) D:每個(gè)子網(wǎng)只有30個(gè)可IP F:只有32個(gè)子網(wǎng)。 

 QUESTION 82 Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is adding two new hosts to SwitchA. Which three values could be used for the configuration of these hosts? (Choose three.)

  A. B. C.

  host A IP address: host A IP address: host A default gateway:


  D. E. F.

  host B IP address: host B default gateway: host B IP address:

  Correct Answer: ACF

  Explanation/Reference: 參考給出的圖,網(wǎng)絡(luò )管理員正在加一個(gè)新的主機到交換機 A,哪三個(gè)值能被用來(lái)配置這些主機? 考點(diǎn)分析:A接Port 6口,Port 6口屬于vlan 10,所以 A屬于網(wǎng)段192.168.1.64/27,且網(wǎng)關(guān)是; B接Port 9口,Port 9口屬于vlan 20,所以B屬于網(wǎng)段192.168.1.128/26,網(wǎng)關(guān)是;單臂路由的 問(wèn)題。單臂路由子接口的IP就是主機的default-gateway。QUESTION 83 Which IPv6 address is the all-router multicast group?

  A. B. C. D.

  FF02::1 FF02::2 FF02::3 FF02::4

  Correct Answer: B 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: IPV6的所有路由器組播地址為 FF02::2。 IPV4的所有路由器組播地址為  QUESTION 84 which address range efficiently summarizes the routing table of the addresses for router main?

  A. B. C. D.

  Correct Answer: C 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:



  Explanation/Reference: 將這 11 個(gè) IP地址做匯總

  QUESTION 85 Which IPv6 address is valid?

  A. B. C. D.

  2031:0:130F::9C0:876A:130B 2001:0DB8:0000:130F:0000:0000:08GC:140B 2001:0DB8:0:130H::87C:140B 2031::130F::9C0:876A:130B

  Correct Answer: A

  Explanation/Reference: B 十六進(jìn)制沒(méi)有 G C也沒(méi)有 H D 只能有一個(gè)::

  QUESTION 86 Wich command can you use to manually assign a static IPV6 address to a router interface?

  A. B. C. D.

  ipv6 address PREFIX_1::1/64 ipv6 autoconfig 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64 ipv6 autoconfig ipv6 address 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64

  Correct Answer: D 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: IPv6在路由器上設置地址的命令

  QUESTION 87 Which of these represents an IPv6 link-local address?

  A. B. C. D.

  FE08::280e:611:a:f14f:3d69 FE81::280f:512b:e14f:3d69 FE80::380e:611a:e14f:3d69 FEFE:0345:5f1b::e14d:3d69

  Correct Answer: C

  Explanation/Reference: IPv6本地地址 FE80開(kāi)頭后面為本地 mac 地址

  QUESTION 88 The network administrator is asked to configure 113 point-to-point links.Which IP addressing scheme best defines the address range and subnet mask that meet the requirement and waste the fewest subnet and host addresses?

  A. subnetted with mask B. subnetted with mask


  C. D. E. subnetted with mask subnetted with mask subnetted with mask

  Correct Answer: D

  Explanation/Reference: 113 個(gè) point-to-point 鏈路而不是 IP。每個(gè)鏈路需要 2個(gè)有效的 IP地址,即 2個(gè)主機位。113 個(gè)需要 7位,一 共需要 9位,所以掩碼為 23

  QUESTION 89 A cisco router is booting and has just completed the POST process.It is now ready to find and load an IOSimage.what function does the router perform next?

  A. B. C. D.

  It checks the configuration register It attempts to boot from a TFTP server It loads the first image file in flash memory It inspects the configuration file in NVRAM for boot instructions

  Correct Answer: A

  Explanation/Reference: 下一步檢查 configuration register 然后決定加載配置

  QUESTION 90 Refer to the exhibit. What is the meaning of the output MTU 1500 bytes?

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  The maximum number of bytes that can traverse this interface per second is 1500. The minimum segment size that can traverse this interface is 1500 bytes. The minimum segment size that can traverse this interface is 1500 bytes. The minimum packet size that can traverse this interface is 1500 bytes. The maximum packet size that can traverse this interface is 1500 bytes. The maximum frame size that can traverse this interface is 1500 bytes.

  Correct Answer: E 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: MTU就是二層頭部最大能傳輸多少東西,而二層封裝的正好是三層的數據.也就是 packet.

  QUESTION 91 On corporate network, hosts on the same VLAN can communicate with each other, but they are unable to communicate with hosts on different VLANs. What is needed to allow communication between the VLANs?


  A. B. C. D.

  a router with subinterfaces configured on the physical interface that is connected to the switch a router with an IP address on the physical interface connected to the switch a switch with an access link that is configured between the switches a switch with a trunk link that is configured between the switches

  Correct Answer: A

  Explanation/Reference: 在一個(gè)公司網(wǎng)絡(luò )中,同 vlan之間的主機可以互相訪(fǎng)問(wèn),但是不能和其他vlan中的主機通訊,問(wèn)你怎么樣才能 可以 和其他vlan中的主機通訊? 考點(diǎn)分析:這道題考的是不同vlan間的通信。不同vlan間的通訊有兩種實(shí)現方法,一種是通過(guò)單臂路由,另 一種 是通過(guò)三層交換機。通過(guò)單臂路由的方法就是在路由的接口上創(chuàng )建多個(gè)子接口來(lái)實(shí)現vlan的交互 -----------攻城獅論壇 http://bbs.vlan5.com QUESTION 92 Which command displays CPU utilization?

  A. B. C. D.

  show show show show

  protocols process system version

  Correct Answer: B

  Explanation/Reference: 哪一條命令顯示 CPU利用率? 考點(diǎn)分析:這道題考的是基本命令。查看 CPU的利用率要使用 show process命令

  QUESTION 93 What two things will a router do when running a distance vector routing protocol? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E.

  Send periodic updates regardless of topology changes. Send entire routing table to all routers in the routing domain. Use the shortest-path algorithm to the determine best path. Update the routing table based on updates from their neighbors. Maintain the topology of the entire network in its database.

  Correct Answer: AD

  Explanation/Reference: 一個(gè)路由器運行距離矢量路由的時(shí)候有哪兩個(gè)特點(diǎn)? A:周期性更新,正確 B:發(fā)送整個(gè)路由表到整個(gè)路由域,錯誤,只發(fā)送給鄰居 C:使用 SPF 算法,錯誤 D:依靠鄰居發(fā)送更新來(lái)更新路由表,正確 E:在數據庫中維護整個(gè)網(wǎng)絡(luò )的拓撲。錯誤

  QUESTION 94 Which command is used to display the collection of OSPF link states?

  A. show ip ospf lsa database


  B. C. D.

  show ip ospf link-state show ip ospf neighbors show ip ospf database

  Correct Answer: D

  Explanation/Reference: 題目要求顯示 OSPF 鏈路狀態(tài)的詳細信息 show ip ospf database 顯示詳細的 LSA 信息

  QUESTION 95 Refer to the exhibit:

  The technician wants to upload a new IOS in the router while keeping the existing IOS. What is the maximum size of an IOS file that could be loaded if the original IOS is also kept in flash?

  A. B. C. D. E.

  3 MB 4 MB 5 MB 7 MB 8 MB

  Correct Answer: B

  Explanation/Reference: 題目說(shuō)要更新一個(gè)新的 IOS,還有保留原先的IOS,圖中看出剩余的flash容量為4585552bytes,所以允許 新 的IOS最大為4M -----------攻城獅論壇 http://bbs.vlan5.com QUESTION 96 Refer to the exhibit. The two exhibit devices are the only Cisco devices on the network. The serial network between the two devices has a mask of Given the output that is shown, what three statements are true of these devices? (Choose three.)


  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  The Manchester serial address is The Manchester serial address is The London router is a Cisco 2610. The Manchester router is a Cisco 2610. The CDP information was received on port Serial0/0 of the Manchester router. The CDP information was sent by port Serial0/0 of the London Router.

  Correct Answer: ACE 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference:對端 IP ,因為掩碼為所以自己可用 IP則為 圖中命令 interface:前面是自己的端口,后面是鄰居的端口

  QUESTION 97 If IP routing is enabled, which two commands set the gateway of last resort to the default gateway? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E.

  i p i p i p i p i p

  default-gateway route default-network default-route route

  Correct Answer: CE 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 如果已經(jīng)配置 IP路由,哪兩條命令可以設置默認網(wǎng)關(guān)? 考點(diǎn)分析:這道題考的是路由器默認網(wǎng)關(guān)的設置。對于路由器來(lái)說(shuō),默認路由中指明的下一跳即為路由器的 網(wǎng)關(guān)

  QUESTION 98 Which parameter can be tuned to affect the selection of a static route as a backup.when a dynamic protocol is also being used?


  A. B. C. D. E.

  link bandwidth hop count link cost administrative distance link delay

  Correct Answer: D 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 選擇路由先看管理距離,小的優(yōu)先

  QUESTION 99 Refer to the exhibit. A network associate has configured OSPF with the command:

  City(config-router)# network area 0

  After completing the configuration, the associate discovers that not all the interfaces are participating in OSPF. Which three of the interfaces shown in the exhibit will participate in OSPF according to this configuration statement? (Choose three.)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  FastEthernet0 /0 FastEthernet0 /1 Serial0/0 Serial0/1.102 Serial0/1.103 Serial0/1.104

  Correct Answer: BCD

  Explanation/Reference: 考點(diǎn),考查 ospf network 命令中反掩碼的特性。,相當于通告了 的網(wǎng)絡(luò ),這個(gè)網(wǎng)絡(luò )的范圍: 綜上所述,BCD

  QUESTION 100 Refer to the exhibit.The Lakside Company has the internetwork in the exhibit.The administrator would like to reduce the size of routing table on the Central router.Which partial routing table entry in the Central route represents a route summary that represents the vlans in Phoenix but no additional subnets?


  A. is subnetted,1 subnets D[90/20514560] via,6w0d,serial0/1 is subnetted,1 subnets D[90/20514560] via,6w0d,serial0/1 is subnetted,1 subnets D[90/20514560] via,6w0d,serial0/1 is subnetted,1 subnets D[90/20514560] via,6w0d,serial0/1 is subnetted,1 subnets D[90/20514560] via,6w0d,serial0/1 is subnetted,1 subnets D[90/20514560] via,6w0d,serial0/1 B. C. D. E. F.

  Correct Answer: A

  Explanation/Reference: 對 PHOENIX做路由匯總

  QUESTION 101 Refer to the graphic. A static route to the network is to be configured on the HFD router. Which commands will accomplish this? (Choose two.)


  HFD(config)# HFD(config)# HFD(config)# HFD(config)# HFD(config)# HFD(config)#

  ip ip ip ip ip ip route route route route route route fa0/0 fa0/0

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  Correct Answer: CD 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 考點(diǎn):靜態(tài)路由的配置方式 下一跳可以寫(xiě)出口和鄰居IP

  QUESTION 102 Before installing a new, upgraded version of the IOS, what should be checked on the router, and which command should be used to gather this information? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  the amount of available ROM the amount of available flash and RAM memory the version of the bootstrap software present on the router show show show version processes running-config

  Correct Answer: BD 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 在安裝升級一個(gè)新的 IOS之前,需要了解路由器上的那些參數,且下面那個(gè)命令是收集這些參數的信息? 考題分析:IOS是路由器的操作系統,它是儲存在Flash中,運行在RAM中的。所以在更新 路由器的IOS 時(shí),要首先考慮Flash和RAM的大小容量。然后Flash和RAM的容量可以通過(guò) show version這個(gè)命令查 看到,所以答案B、D。 在升級IOS的時(shí)候,我們主要注意以下幾點(diǎn): 1.flash空間是否充足 2.查看設備的版本對是否支持 IOS

  QUESTION 103 Which command reveals the last method used to powercycle a router?

  show reload show boot

  A. B.


  C. D.

  show running-config show version

  Correct Answer: D 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 哪一個(gè)命令可以顯示最近一次被用來(lái)重啟路由器的方法? 考點(diǎn)分析:可以顯示最近一次重啟路由器信息的命令是 show version

  QUESTION 104 Which command can be a router to verify the layer 3 path to a host?

  A. B. C. D.

  traceroute address tracert address ssh address telnet address

  Correct Answer: A 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: tracert 是 windows的命令

  QUESTION 105 What information does a router running a link-state protocol use to build and maintain its topological database? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  hello packets SAP messages sent by other routers LSAs from other routers beacons received on point-to-point links routing tables received from other link-state routers TTL packets from designated routers

  Correct Answer: AC 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 鏈路狀態(tài)路由協(xié)議如何維護拓撲數據庫? A:hello包用于維護鄰居關(guān)系,正確。 B:錯誤,沒(méi)有這個(gè)概念。 C:通過(guò)其他路由器的 LSA,正確。 D:從點(diǎn)到點(diǎn)鏈路接收,錯誤。答案片面 E:從其他路由器接收路由表,錯誤。相互間不直接發(fā)送路由表。 F:從DR接受TTL包,錯誤,答非所問(wèn)。 -----------攻城獅論壇 http://bbs.vlan5.com QUESTION 106 Which statements describe the routing protocol OSPF? (Choose three.)

  A. B. C. D.

  It supports VLSM. It is used to route between autonomous systems. It confines network instability to one area of the network. It increases routing overhead on the network.


  E. It allows extensive control of routing updates. F. It is simpler to configure than RIP v2.

  Correct Answer: ACE

  Explanation/Reference: A:支持VLSM,正確 B:在A(yíng)S之間使用,錯誤。在A(yíng)S內部使用 C:限制了不穩定網(wǎng)絡(luò )的范圍,正確。通過(guò)劃分區域實(shí)現。 D:增加了網(wǎng)絡(luò )的開(kāi)銷(xiāo),錯誤。 E:允許路由更新控制,正確。 F:比RIPv2更容易配置,錯誤,答非所問(wèn)。 -----------攻城獅論壇 http://bbs.vlan5.com QUESTION 107 Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator configures a new router and enters the copy startup-config running-config on the router. The network administrator powers down the router and sets it up at a remote location. When the router starts, it enter the system configuration dialog as shown. What is the caust of the problem?

  A. B. C. D. E.

  The network administrator failed to save the configuration. The configuration register is set to 0x2100. The boot system flash command is missing from the configuration. The configuration register is set to 0x2102. The router is configured with the boot system startup command.

  Correct Answer: A

  Explanation/Reference: 管理員并沒(méi)有使用 copy run start 命令.所以配置沒(méi)有被保存.在設備重啟后自然就沒(méi)有配置被調用了

  QUESTION 108 Refer to the exhibit. Which WAN protocol is being used?


  A. B. C. D.

  ATM HDLC Frame Relay PPP

  Correct Answer: C 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 如下圖,使用的是哪個(gè)廣域網(wǎng)協(xié)議? 考點(diǎn)分析:如圖,可以看見(jiàn) LMI 這個(gè)參數,LMI 是幀中繼中的概念,所以答案為 C。 QUESTION 109 What is the default administrative distance of OSPF?

  A. B. C. D.

  120 100 90 110

  Correct Answer: D 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: OSPF 默認管理距離 110

  QUESTION 110 Which characteristics are representative of a link-state routing protocol? (Choose three.)

  A. B. C. D. E.

  provides common view of entire topology exchanges routing tables with neighbors calculates shortest path utilizes event-triggered updates utilizes frequent periodic updates

  Correct Answer: ACD

  Explanation/Reference: 鏈路狀態(tài)路由協(xié)議有協(xié)議特點(diǎn)? A:提供查看拓撲的命令,正確。show ip ospf database B:鄰居之間交換路由信息,錯誤。交換 LSA


  C:計算最短路徑,正確。 D:利用觸發(fā)更新,正確 E:利用周期更新,錯誤。 QUESTION 111 Refer to the exhibit.Based on the exhibited routing table,how will packets from a host within the LAN be forwarded to

  A. B. C. D.

  The router will forward packets from R3 to R2 to R1 The router will forward packets from R3 to R1 The router will forward packets from R3 to R1 to R2 The router will forward packets from R3 to R2 to R1 AND from R3 to R1

  Correct Answer: D 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 從路由表中可以看到,到目的地址有兩條等價(jià)均衡的路徑

  QUESTION 112 Refer to the exhibit.


  C-router is to be used as a "router-on-a-stick" to route between the VLANs. All the interfaces have been properly configured and IP routing is operational. The hosts in the VLANs have been configured with the appropriate default gateway. What is true about this configuration?

  A. These commands need to be added to the configuration: Crouter(config)# router eigrp 123 C-router(config-router)# network These commands need to be added to the configuration: Crouter(config)# router ospf 1 C-router(config-router)# network area 0 These commands need to be added to the configuration: Crouter(config)# router rip C-router(config-router)# network No further routing configuration is required. B. C. D.

  Correct Answer: D


  QUESTION 113 Refer to the exhibit. Why is flash memory erased prior to upgrading the IOS image from the TFTP server?


  A. B. C. D.

  The router cannot verify that the Cisco IOS image currently in flash is valid Flash memory on Cisco routers can contain only a single IOS image. Erasing current flash content is requested during the copy dialog. In order for the router to use the new image as the default, it must be the only IOS image in flash.

  Correct Answer: C


  QUESTION 114 Which command would you configure globally on a Cisco router that would allow you to view directly connected Cisco devices?

  A. B. C. D.

  enable cdp cdp cdp run enable run cdp

  Correct Answer: C 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 那一條命令在全局配置模式下能查看直連的 cisco設備? 考點(diǎn)分析:這道題考的是 CDP 協(xié)議。CDP 協(xié)議在路由器全局啟用的命令是 cdp run,答案是 C。

  QUESTION 115 Refer to the exhibit. According to the routing table, where will the router send a packet destined for


  A. B. C. D.

  Correct Answer: C 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 通過(guò)下邊的路由表, 路由器如果有到達的包,他應該走哪一個(gè)路由? 考點(diǎn)分析:路由器在路由表項中尋找下一跳時(shí),做遵循最長(cháng)匹配原則,即選擇能匹配的最長(cháng)子網(wǎng)掩碼, 答案是C。

  QUESTION 116 Refer to the exhibit.which address and mask combination a summary of the routes learned by EIGRP?

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  Correct Answer: E

  Explanation/Reference: 路由匯總一定要匯總為最小的網(wǎng)段



  Refer to the exhibit.

  Assuming that the entire network topology is shown, what is the operational status of the interfaces of R2 as indicated by the command output shown?

  A. B. C. D.

  One interface has a problem. Two interfaces have problems. The interfaces are functioning correctly. The operational status of the interfaces cannot be determined from the output shown.

  Correct Answer: C

  Explanation/Reference: 端口雙 UP,運行正常

  QUESTION 118 Which two locations can be configured as a source for the IOS image in the boot system command? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  RAM NVRAM flash memory HTTP server TFTP server Telnet server

  Correct Answer: CE 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 問(wèn):用 boot system 配置命令,下面那兩個(gè)地點(diǎn)可以存放 IOS鏡像? 考點(diǎn)分析:這題考查了 IOS 的存放位置,默認情況下先是從自身的 flash中查找 IOS,如果找到就加載,如果 沒(méi)有找到則在指定的 TFTP Server 中查找 IOS。而且 IOS 只能存放在 Flash或 TFTP server 中。故選 CE

  QUESTION 119 Refer to the exhibit. Given the output for this command, if the router ID has not been manually set, what router ID will OSPF use for this RouterD?


  A. B. C. D.

  Correct Answer: C

  Explanation/Reference: 正確答案為:C 選取最大 LOOPBACK 口地址

  QUESTION 120 Refer to the exhibit. What commands must be configured on the 2950 switch and the router to allow communication between host 1 and host 2? (Choose two.)

  A. Router(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0 Router(config-if)# ip address Router(config-if)# no shut down Router(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0 Router(config-if)# no shut down Router(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0.1 B. Router(config-subif)# Router(config-subif)# Router(config-subif)# Router(config-subif)# Router(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q 10 ip address interface fastethernet 0/0.2 encapsulation dot1q 20 ip address C. Router(config)# router Router(config-router)# Router(config-router)# eigrp 100 network network Switch1(config)# vlan database D.


  Switch1(config-vlan)# vtp domain XYZ Switch1(config-vlan)# vtp server Switch1(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1 Switch1(config-if)# switchport mode trunk Switch1(config)# interface vlan 1 Switch1(config-if)# ip default-gateway



  Correct Answer: BE

  Explanation/Reference: 考點(diǎn):考查單臂路由的配置。路由器上使用子接口,一個(gè)子接口對應一個(gè) vlan,封裝vlan id。交換機與路由器 的互聯(lián)口使用trunk

  QUESTION 121 Which two statements describe the process identifier that is used in the command to configure OSPF on a router? (Choose two.)

  Router(config)# router ospf 1

  A. B. C. D. E.

  All OSPF routers in an area must have the same process ID. Only one process number can be used on the same router. Different process identifiers can be used to run multiple OSPF processes The process number can be any number from 1 to 65,535. Hello packets are sent to each neighbor to determine the processor identifier.

  Correct Answer: CD


  QUESTION 122 Refer to the exhibit. For what two reasons has the router loaded its IOS image from the location that is shown? (Choose two.)


  A. B. C. D. E.

  Router1 has specific boot system command that instruct it to load IOS from TFTP server. Router1 is acting as a TFTP server for other routers. Router1 cannot locate a valid IOS image in flash memory. Router1 defaulted to ROMMON mode and loaded the IOS image from a TFTP server. Cisco routers will first attempt to load an image from TFTP for management purposes.

  Correct Answer: AC 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: A 通過(guò)指令配置使路由器從 TFTP 加載 IOS C 路由器加載 flash里的 IOS 失敗

  QUESTION 123 Refer to the exhibit. What can be determined about the router from the console output?

  A. B. C. D.

  No configuration file was found in NVRAM. No configuration file was found in flash. No configuration file was found in the PCMCIA card. Configuration file is normal and will load in 15 seconds.

  Correct Answer: A 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 如下圖,從 console口的輸出結果能得到什么信息? 啟動(dòng)時(shí)缺省讀取保存在 NVRAM里面的配置文件。提示進(jìn)入對話(huà)模式,說(shuō)明沒(méi)有保存配置文件。

  QUESTION 124 Which three elements must be used when you configure a router interface for vlan trunking?(choose three)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  one IP network or subnetwork for each subinterface subinterface numbering that matches vlan tages subinterface encapsulation identifiers that match vlan tags a management domain for each subinterface one physical interface for each subinterface one subinterface per vlan

  Correct Answer: ACF 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:


  我們永遠給熱愛(ài)網(wǎng)絡(luò )技術(shù)的你提供更新一點(diǎn)的題庫,更明白一點(diǎn)的解釋,更周到一點(diǎn)的服務(wù),更低一點(diǎn)的價(jià)格!

  獲取最新題庫,戰報,資料, 結識更多一起努力的攻城獅請訪(fǎng)問(wèn)攻城獅論壇 http://bbs.vlan5.com/

  考察單臂路由的設置 A一個(gè)網(wǎng)絡(luò )或子網(wǎng)對應一個(gè)子接口,正確 B子接口號必須和vlan號一樣,不正確 C子接口封裝標識符必須和vlan號一樣,正確 D每一個(gè)子接口需要一個(gè)管理域,不正確 E每一個(gè)子接口需要一個(gè)物理端口,不正確 F一個(gè)子接口對應一個(gè)vlan,正確 QUESTION 125 Which commands are required to properly configure a router to properly configure a router to run OSPF and to add network to OSPF area 0?(choose two)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  Router(config)#router ospf 1 Router(config)#router ospf 0 Router(config)#router ospf area 0 Router(config-router)#network area 0 Router(config-router)#network 0 Router(config-router)#network area 0

  Correct Answer: AD 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: OSPF 的配置 進(jìn)程號范圍 1-65535,宣告網(wǎng)段需要反掩碼+區域 -----------攻城獅論壇 http://bbs.vlan5.com

  QUESTION 126 A router receives information about network from multiple sources.What will the router consider the most reliable information about the path to that network?

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  an OSPF update for network a static router to network a static router to network with a local serial interface configured as the next hop a RIP update for network a directly connected interface with an address of a default route with a next hop address of

  Correct Answer: E 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 直連端口的路由管理距離最小為 0

  QUESTION 127 What is the default maximum number of equal-cost paths that can be placed into the routing of a cisco OSPF router?

  A. B. C. D.

  16 2 unlimited 4

  Correct Answer: D 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:


  Explanation/Reference: OSPF 默認等價(jià)均衡鏈路為 4條

  QUESTION 128 Which command shows your active Telnet connections?

  A. B. C. D.

  show session show cdp neighbors show users show queue

  Correct Answer: A 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 哪一個(gè)命令顯示活動(dòng)的 telnet 對話(huà)

  QUESTION 129 Which type of EIGRP route entry describes a feasible successor?

  A. B. C. D.

  a primary route,stored in the routing table a backup route,stored in the routing table a backup route,stored in the topology table a primary route,stored in the topology table

  Correct Answer: C 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 可行后繼作為替補存在拓撲表中

  QUESTION 130 Refer to the exhibit. What statement is true of the configuration for this network?


  A. The configuration that is shown provides inadequate outside address space for translation of the number of inside addresses that are supported. Because of the addressing on interface FastEthernet0/1, the Serial0/0 interface address will not support the NAT configuration as shown. The number 1 referred to in the ip nat inside souce command recerences access-list number 1. ExternalRouter must be configured with static routers to network B. C. D.

  Correct Answer: C 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: A:該配置顯示了內部全局地址不足以分配給所有內部局部地址,錯誤。使用了 overload關(guān)鍵字,為PAT。 B:不支持NAT轉換,錯誤。 C:ip nat insid source 1中1為access list 1 D:extemalrouter必須配置一條到,錯誤。 QUESTION 131 Which statement describes the process of dynamically assigning IP addresses by the DHCP server?

  A. Addresses are allocated after a negotiation between the server and the host to determine the length of the agreement. Addresses are permanently assigned so that the hosts uses the same address at all times. Addresses are assigned for a fixed period of time, at the end of the period, a new request for an address must be made. Addresses are leased to hosts, which periodically contact the DHCP server to renew the lease. B. C. D.

  Correct Answer: D 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:


  Explanation/Reference: 哪一個(gè)選項描述了 DHCP 動(dòng)態(tài)分配地址的過(guò)程? 考點(diǎn)分析:在 DHCP 租約期限一半時(shí),DHCP客戶(hù)端會(huì )提交租約續訂請求到 DHCP 服務(wù)器。如果 DHCP 服務(wù) 器在聯(lián)機狀態(tài),那么通常 DHCP 服務(wù)器會(huì )接受續訂,然后租約周期重新開(kāi)始。如果 DHCP 服務(wù)器不可用那么 DHCP 客戶(hù)端會(huì )在剩余一半的租約周期過(guò)去后嘗試再次續訂 DHCP 租約。如果在租約時(shí)間的 87.5%過(guò)去后 DHCP 服務(wù)器仍然不可用,DHCP 客戶(hù)端會(huì )嘗試尋找一個(gè)新的 DHCP 服務(wù)器,并可能獲取一個(gè)不同的 IP地 址。所以答案是 D。

  QUESTION 132 What are two benefits of using NAT?(choose two)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  NAT protects network security because private networks are not advertised. NAT accelerates the routing process because no modifications are made on the packets. Dynamic NAT facilitates connections from the outside of the network. NAT facilitates end-to-end communication when IPsec is enable. NAT eliminates the need to re-address all host that require external access. NAT conserves addresses through host MAC-level multiplexing.

  Correct Answer: AE 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: E.NAT 消除了當需要外部鏈接時(shí)每個(gè)主機都需要一個(gè)不同 IP地址

  QUESTION 133 On which options are standard access lists based?

  A. B. C. D.

  destination address and wildcard mask source address and wildcard mask destination address and subnet mask source address and subnet mask

  Correct Answer: B 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 標準控制列表使用源地址和通配符

  QUESTION 134 A network engineer wants to allow a temporary entry for a remote user with a specific usename and password so that the user can access the entire network over the internet.which ACL can be used?

  A. B. C. D.

  reflexive extended standard dynamic

  Correct Answer: D 最新更新/視頻講解/免費答疑:

  Explanation/Reference: 網(wǎng)絡(luò )工程師想要允許一個(gè)臨時(shí)站與一個(gè)特定的 usename遠程用戶(hù)和密碼,這樣用戶(hù)可以訪(fǎng)問(wèn)整個(gè)網(wǎng)絡(luò ). which ACL可以使用? 動(dòng)態(tài) ACL


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  How does a DHCP server dynamically assign IP addresses to hosts?

  A. B.

  Addresses are permanently assigned so that the host uses the same address at all times. Addresses are assigned for a fixed period of time. At the end of the period, a new request for an address must be made, and another address is then assigned. Addresses are leased to hosts. A host will usually keep the same address by periodically contacting the DHCP server to renew the lease. Addresses are allocated after a negotiation between the server and the host to determine the length of the agreement.



  Correct Answer: C Section: part 3 Explanation

  Explanation/Reference: 在 DHCP 租約期限一半時(shí),DHCP 客戶(hù)端會(huì )提交租約續訂請求到 DHCP 服務(wù)器 。如果 DHCP 服務(wù)器在聯(lián)機狀 態(tài),那么通常 DHCP 服務(wù)器會(huì )接受續訂,然后租約周期重新開(kāi)始。如果 DHCP 服務(wù)器不可用那么 DHCP 客戶(hù) 端會(huì )在剩余一半的租約周期過(guò)去后嘗試再次續訂 DHCP 租約。如果在租約時(shí)間 的 87.5%過(guò)去后 DHCP 服務(wù)器 仍然不可用,DHCP 客戶(hù)端會(huì )嘗試尋找一個(gè)新的 DHCP 服務(wù)器,并可能獲取一 個(gè)不同的 IP地址。

  QUESTION 136 Refer to the exhibit. Which rule does the DHCP server use when there is an IP address conflict?

  A. B. C. D. E.

  The address is removed from the pool until the conflict is resolved. The address remains in the pool until the conflict is resolved. Only the IP detected by Gratuitous ARP is removed from the pool. Only the IP detected by Ping is removed from the pool. The IP will be shown, even after the conflict is resolved.

  Correct Answer: A Section: part 3 Explanation

  Explanation/Reference: 當出現 IP 的地址沖突的時(shí)候,DHCP 服務(wù)器將會(huì )采取什么樣的措施? show ip dhcp conflict 命令可以查看哪些 ip 地址在使用上有沖突。 有沖突的地址不再分配出去。 A:地址被刪除直到?jīng)_突解決,正確 B:地址保留直到?jīng)_突解決,錯誤 C/D:答案片面。 E:當沖突解決后,地址會(huì )被顯示。錯誤。 考點(diǎn)分析:DHCP 在發(fā)現 IP 地址沖突時(shí),會(huì )把它從地址池中移除,直到?jīng)_突結束,再把它放回地址池中。 答 案是 A。

  QUESTION 137 Which two tasks does the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol perform? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D.

  Set the IP gateway to be used by the network. Perform host discovery used DHCPDISCOVER message. Configure IP address parameters from DHCP server to a host. Provide an easy management of layer 3 devices.


  E. Monitor IP performance using the DHCP server. F. Assign and renew IP address from the default pool.

  Correct Answer: CF Section: part 3 Explanation

  Explanation/Reference: DHCP 服務(wù)器在網(wǎng)絡(luò )中作用是什么? 考點(diǎn)分析:這道題考的是 DHCP 協(xié)議。DHCP協(xié)議的作用就是為將地址池中的 ip地址分給主機,并且會(huì )與主 機進(jìn)行租期的界定,如果租期到了,會(huì )續租

  QUESTION 138 When a DHCP server is configured, which two IP addresses should never be assignable to hosts? (Choose two.)

  A. B. C. D. E. F.

  network or subnetwork IP address broadcast address on the network IP address leased to the LAN IP address used by the interfaces manually assigned address to the clients designated IP address to the DHCP server

  Correct Answer: AB Section: part 3 Explanation

  Explanation/Reference: 當一個(gè) DHCP 配置好的時(shí)候,哪兩個(gè)地址將永遠不會(huì )分配給主機? 考點(diǎn)分析:每個(gè)網(wǎng)段都有兩個(gè)不可分配的地址,就是網(wǎng)絡(luò )號和廣播地址

  QUESTION 139 Which two statements about static NAT translations are true?(choose two)

  A. B. C.

  They are always present in the NAT table. They allow connection to be initiated from the outside. They can be configured with access lists, to allow two or more connections to be initiated from the outside. They require no inside or outside interface markings because addresses are statically defined. D.

  Correct Answer: AB Section: part 3 Explanation

  Explanation/Reference: 靜態(tài) NAT A 出現在 NAT 表中 B 允許來(lái)自外部的鏈接

  QUESTION 140 Which statement about access lists that are applied to an interface is true?

  A. B. C. D.

  you can apply multiple access lists with the same protocol or in different direction. you can config one access list,per direction,per layer 3 protocol you can place as many access lists as you want on any interface you can apply only one access list on any interface

  Correct Answer: B Section: part 3



  Explanation/Reference: 一個(gè)端口可以配置 In out 兩個(gè) ACL,正確答案為 B

  QUESTION 141 Which item represents the standard IP ACL?

  A. B. C. D.

  access-list 50 deny access-list 110 permit ip any any access-list 2500 deny tcp any host eq 22 access-list 101 deny tcp any host

  Correct Answer: A Section: part 3 Explanation

  Explanation/Reference: 標準 ACL 范圍 1-99




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